Getting Started: Which? Membership fee

Getting Started: Which? Membership fee

I am a Which? member and I want to make payment to view the tax calculation.

In order to unlock the full tax calculation feature, you need to make payment. Upon logging in to your account, there will be a green PAY NOW button:

Press the button to proceed to the payment page, where you will be faced with two options:

Which? Member rate will be blue if we detect an active membership which qualifies for the lower pricing plan.

Press BUY NOW and follow the on-screen instructions to make payment for the tax year. This will unlock all features on the software and will enable you to submit your tax return directly to HMRC.

The Which? Member Rate isn't blue for me?
If the Which? Member rate isn't highlighted, it means we don't detect a live subscription with Which? on your email address.

Please ensure your email address is the same on both GoSimpleTax and Which?. If it isn't you will be required to update your email on either system. To update your email address on GoSimpleTax, please see this help article: