How Do I Connect My Business To HMRC Using GoSimpleVAT?

How Do I Connect My Business To HMRC Using GoSimpleVAT?

Your business will be connected to HMRC if you clicked SAVE & CONNECT when setting up

If you SAVED but did not CONNECT to HMRC when you added your business to the system an HMRC link will appear next to the business name on the VAT List 



  • HMRC

The link takes you to HMRC's site to authorise the connection to GoSimpleVAT


  • Government ID
  • Password


  • Sign in
  • Continue
  • Grant Authority





The system the presents information provided by HMRC of the business's VAT obligations and payments/refunds on the VAT DETAILS page

The information can be pulled down from HMRC again by clicking REFRESH

The eye icon on each obligation line displayed the submission information if Fulifilled or the page to upload the VAT return if the status is Open (not submitted)




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