How do I Add My Payments on Account?

How do I Add My Payments on Account?

If you're self-employed, please follow the steps below:

1. Click on '+ GROUP'

2. Select 'Payments on Account' from the list of categories and then click 'SAVE' at the bottom

Select 'Payments on Account' from the list of categories and then click 'SAVE' at the bottom

3. Click on '+ ADD'

4. Select 'Payments on Account', fill in the entries and then click 'SAVE' at the bottom

Select 'Payments on Account', fill in the entries and then click 'SAVE' at the bottom

If you're NOT self-employed, please follow the steps below:

1. Click '+ NEW PAGE' and select the 'Investments, Interest & Dividends (SA100 & SA101)' page

2. Click on '+ GROUP'

3. Select 'Taxes' then click 'SAVE'

Select 'Taxes' then click 'SAVE'

4. Click on '+ ADD'

5. Select 'Payments on Account', fill in the entries, then click 'SAVE' at the bottom

Select 'Payments on Account', fill in the entries, then click 'SAVE' at the bottom

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