In the main EDIT page, click SAVE and then CONTINUE: Next click YES: On the ALMOST THERE page, scroll down until you see the question below and tick YES. Next tick the box to show you want the refund paid to a Nominee: A box will open up to allow you ...
In the main EDIT page, click SAVE and then CONTINUE: Next click YES: On the ALMOST THERE page, scroll down until you see the question below and tick YES. Next tick the box to show you want the refund paid to a Nominee: A box will open up to allow you ...
In the main EDIT page, click SAVE and then CONTINUE: Next click YES: On the ALMOST THERE page, scroll down until you see the question below and tick YES. A new box will open up. You then need to tick NO:
To add gift aid please use the '+ new page' button on the left of the screen (Ignore this step if you already have the Donations/Gift aid page) Choose 'Donations / Gift aid' Press '+' to add a new expense group Tick 'Donations' and press 'Save' Press ...
To add gift aid please use the '+ new page' button on the left of the screen (Ignore this step if you already have the Donations/Gift aid page) Choose 'Donations / Gift aid' Press '+' to add a new expense group Tick 'Donations' and press 'Save' Press ...