Verifying ID: What ID is acceptable?

Verifying ID: What ID is acceptable?

If you are unable to submit your Tax Return using your own HMRC ID Gateway details, we are able to make the submission on your behalf. In order for us to do this, you must complete an ID check using our third party verification software (Stripe verify).

They do accept some driving licenses but passports are more widely supported. The countries that are accepted can be seen in the table below:
  Albania   Ecuador   Latvia   Romania
  Algeria   Egypt   Lebanon   Russia
  Argentina   El Salvador   Liechtenstein   Saudi Arabia
  Armenia   Estonia   Lithuania   Serbia
  Australia   Finland   Luxembourg   Singapore
  Austria   France   Malaysia   Slovakia
  Azerbaijan   Georgia   Malta   Slovenia
  Bahamas   Germany   Mauritius   South Africa
  Bahrain   Ghana   Mexico   South Korea
  Bangladesh   Greece   Moldova   Spain
  Belarus   Guatemala   Mongolia   Sri Lanka
  Belgium   Haiti   Morocco   Sweden
  Benin   Honduras   Myanmar (Burma)   Switzerland
  Bolivia   Hong Kong   Nepal   Taiwan
  Brazil   Hungary   Netherlands   Thailand
  Bulgaria   India   New Zealand   Tunisia
  Cameroon   Indonesia   Nigeria   Turkey
  Canada   Iraq   North Macedonia   Uganda
  Chile   Ireland   Norway   Ukraine
  China   Israel   Pakistan   United Arab Emirates
  Colombia   Italy   Palestinian Territories   United Kingdom
  Costa Rica   Jamaica   Panama   United States
  Côte d’Ivoire   Japan   Paraguay   Uruguay
  Croatia   Jersey   Peru   Uzbekistan
  Cyprus   Jordan   Philippines   Venezuela
  Czech Republic   Kazakhstan   Poland   Vietnam
  Denmark   Kenya   Portugal
  Dominican Republic   Kuwait   Puerto Rico   

If the ID check is unsuccessful, we will be unable to submit your Tax Return using our HMRC gateway ID. You will either need to contact HMRC and fix your account or print your PDF, sign page TR8 and send it to HMRC by recorded delivery.

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