Why are my payments on account not showing?

Why are my payments on account not showing?

If you are expecting payments on account but they aren't showing, you might have a question on the Almost There page answered incorrectly. Follow this article to update your account to show the payments on account due:

1. As you can see here, the payment on account value is £0.00

2. Go back to the home page and click 'CONTINUE' in the top right

Go back to the home page and click 'CONTINUE' in the top right

3. Click 'YES'

Click 'YES'

4. Select 'Yes' for this question

Select 'Yes' for this question

5. Click 'SAVE' at the bottom

Click 'SAVE' at the bottom

6. Once you're back on the home page, click on 'REPORT'

Once you're back on the home page, click on 'REPORT'

7. As you can see, the payment on account value is now showing

As you can see, the payment on account value is now showing

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