To connect to Freeagent you must first add a self employed page in GoSimpleTax, if you have not done this during your initial set up you can use the '+ NEW PAGE' button to create the page. Please note that you will be able to try this integration ...
Registering for an HMRC User ID, Password and UTR. Register for self-assessment with the HMRC here. Complete the form. Sign a printed copy (sent to your email address) then post it to the HMRC. The address is on the form. Your UTR and activation ...
SA103 : Self-Employed-Expenses-What-Can-I-Claim
What types of expenses are there? Capital - This is the cost of buying, creating or improving a business asset, used to increase profit. The cost of buying a van for your business would be capital expenditure. Other examples include buying machinery, ...
SA100 : Which-HMRC-Forms-Are-Supported-The-Detail
SimpleTax supports all SA100 forms. Click +New Page for each type of trade or other income class you receive during the year. The available pages are: Self Employment (SA103) Employment (SA102) P60 P45 P11D P9D tips Ministers of Religion (SA102M) ...
Can I claim? Yes. Conditions If being self-employed means that you have to travel for the business and stay away from home overnight, then you can claim tax relief to this expenditure. You will need receipts for all expenses claimed in this way and ...
Hailo is a company that matches taxi drivers and passengers through its mobile phone application, making it convenient for both cab drivers looking to boost their fares and for the passengers needing to be driven somewhere faster. Can I claim? Yes. ...
Can I claim? Yes. Conditions Bank account and credit card charges are a frequent expense when running a business. You are entitled to claim total relief for these expenditures if the transactions are solely for business. International transfers ...
Each and every day, the Apple Store and Google Play release more and more sophisticated apps to help you manage just about every part of your professional and personal life. Yet when it comes to claiming apps you use for work as business expenditure ...
What Are The UK Tax Year Dates And Filing Deadlines
The tax year runs from the 6th April - 5th April. Your accounts need to be calculated according to these dates. You can start submitting your tax return on the first day of the next tax year 6th April. 31 October is the deadline for paper filing of ...
What is a UTR
If you need to file a self-assessment tax return, a UTR is required. The Unique Taxpayer Reference has 10 digits and is provided by HMRC on registration for self-assessment. HMRC expect you to register within 3 month of commencing self-employment. ...
Recent Articles
Non-Resident (Residence and Remittance) pricing
At GoSimpleTax, we’re committed to providing a complete tax solution with the pages that HMRC fail to supply, and a UK support team that are second to none. To continue delivering the high-quality product and support you love and allowing you to file ...
SA101 Ai1 Box 15: How do I show the tax year income to be taxed?
To show the tax year income to be taxed, please follow the steps belows: click the + NEW PAGE button on the left of the screen: Select 'Investments, Interest & Dividends' (SA100 & SA101) from the list shown: Then click SAVE Next click + INCOME Then ...
SA101 Ai1 Box 14: How do I show the amount of post-cessation or other business receipts?
To show the amount of post-cessation or other business receipts, please follow the steps belows: click the + NEW PAGE button on the left of the screen: Select 'Investments, Interest & Dividends' (SA100 & SA101) from the list shown: Then click SAVE ...
SA101 Ai1 Box 13.1: How do I show close company loans written off or released?
To show close company loans written off or released, please follow the steps belows: click the + NEW PAGE button on the left of the screen: Select 'Investments, Interest & Dividends' (SA100 & SA101) from the list shown: Then click SAVE Next click + ...
SA101 Ai1 Box 13: How do I show Bonus issues of securities and redeemable shares?
To show Bonus issues of securities and redeemable shares, please follow the steps belows: click the + NEW PAGE button on the left of the screen: Select 'Investments, Interest & Dividends' (SA100 & SA101) from the list shown: Then click SAVE Next ...