Ensure you have followed the instructions to state you are entitled to Blind Person's Allowance: SA100 TR 4 Box 13: How Do I Record that I am registered Blind? Navigate to the 'Almost there' page: Navigation: How to get to the 'Almost there' page ...
Ensure you have followed the instructions to state you are entitled to Blind Person's Allowance: SA100 TR 4 Box 13: How Do I Record that I am registered Blind? Navigate to the 'Almost there' page: Navigation: How to get to the 'Almost there' page ...
Press PERSONAL DETAILS at the top of the page to amend your personal details TICK 'Yes' under the option 'Registered Blind?' (Box 13) and enter the local authority or other organisation you are registered blind with (Box 14) Scroll down and press ...
Press PERSONAL DETAILS at the top of the page to amend your personal details TICK 'Yes' under the option 'Registered Blind?' (Box 13) and enter the local authority or other organisation you are registered blind with (Box 14) Scroll down and press ...
Follow the instructions for Box 5 except on the last step Tick 'GIFT AID PAYMENTS TO NON-UK CHARITIES IN BOX 5 (UPDATES BOX 5 & 12)' as 'Yes' rather than 'No'
To add gift aid please use the '+ new page' button on the left of the screen (Ignore this step if you already have the Donations/Gift Aid page added to your tax return) Choose 'Donations / Gift aid' Press '+' to add a new expense group Tick ...
To add gift aid please use the '+ new page' button on the left of the screen (Ignore this step if you already have the Donations/Gift Aid page added to your tax return) Choose 'Donations / Gift aid' Press '+' to add a new expense group Tick ...
To add gift aid please use the '+ new page' button on the left of the screen (Ignore this step if you already have the Donations/Gift aid page) Choose 'Donations / Gift aid' Press '+' to add a new expense group Tick 'Donations' and press 'Save' Press ...
To add gift aid please use the '+ new page' button on the left of the screen (Ignore this step if you already have the Donations/Gift aid page) Choose 'Donations / Gift aid' Press '+' to add a new expense group Tick 'Donations' and press 'Save' Press ...
To add gift aid please use the '+ new page' button on the left of the screen (Ignore this step if you already have the Donations/Gift aid page) Choose 'Donations / Gift aid' Press '+' to add a new expense group Tick 'Donations' and press 'Save' Press ...
To add gift aid please use the '+ new page' button on the left of the screen Choose 'Donations / Gift aid' Press '+' to add a new expense group Tick 'Donations' and press 'Save' Press '+ ADD' to choose an option from the drop down list Select 'Gift ...
Click on Add New Page (ignore this step if you already have the Pensions & Benefits page added to your tax return and skip to the drop down menu list) Select Pensions and Benefits Select + GROUP under EXPENSE section Select Pension expense group ...
PLEASE ENSURE YOU MEET THIS CRITERIA BEFORE MAKING AN ENTRY - THIS IS A RARE OCCURRENCE In some schemes, an employer takes your personal contributions from your pay before they tax what’s left. If you (or someone else who is not your employer) paid ...
Click on Add New Page (ignore this step if you already have the Pensions & Benefits page added to your tax return) Select Pensions and Benefits Select + GROUP under EXPENSE section Select Pension expense group Select SAVE Select + ADD under PENSION ...
Please see the help article on TR4 Box 1: https://support.gosimpletax.com/portal/en/kb/articles/sa100-tr-4-box-1-how-do-i-record-payments-into-registered-pension-scheme Include an entry in the 'One-off payments' box Select SAVE
Click on Add New Page (ignore this step if you already have the Pensions & Benefits page added to your tax return) Select Pensions and Benefits Select + GROUP under EXPENSE section Select Pension expense group Select SAVE Select + ADD under PENSION ...
1. Once you're ready to submit your tax return, click 'CONTINUE' 2. Click 'YES' 3. Once you're happy with all of the entries on the 'Almost there' page, click on 'Next step: REVIEW CALC & PROCEED' 4. Click on 'I do NOT have a HMRC Gateway ID' 5. ...
Follow the steps in this article to make the original entry: HICBC BOX 1 Answer Yes on the question 'Did you and your Partner stop receiving child benefit payments? (labelled as Box 3): After selecting YES, enter the date you stopped receiving the ...
Follow the steps in this article to make the original entry: HICBC BOX 1 Enter the number of children you received for during the tax year (labelled as Box 2): Once happy with your entries, scroll down and press SAVE
Navigate to the Almost there page Press 'Next Step: Review Calc & Proceed' A new window will pop up with two options. Select 'I do NOT have a HMRC Gateway ID': After you have verified your ID successfully, you should follow this video to make your ...
Navigate to your SA100 Pensions & Benefits page Under the INCOME section, press + GROUP : Then select the 'High Income Child Benefit Charge' option and enter the amount received during the tax year and the number of children you received this for: ...
The error message received from HMRC indicates your Gateway ID and password you have provided are not recognised by HMRC or your account has been temporarily blocked by HMRC if you have made repeated attempts to file in a short period of time or you ...
If you are Non Resident and entitled to claim the Personal Allowance, you need to claim this in the Residency pages. You need to go into the Residency Page, then click EDIT, then click on the Personal Allowances Tab and complete the relevant boxes ...
As a partnership there are at least three tax returns required: 1. SA800 Partnership tax return. On here you show details of the partnerships income and expenses, the names of the partners (including address, national insurance number & UTR) and ...
CASE STUDY 1 Venessa left the UK on 1 November 2019 to work permanently in France. She currently completes a tax return as she receives dividend income from her UK investments and also rents out a property. She has always been UK resident. She ...