Page TR6
SA100 TR 6 Box 13: How do I add my Nominee's post code?
In the main EDIT page, click SAVE and then CONTINUE: Next click YES: On the ALMOST THERE page, scroll down until you see the question below and tick YES. Next tick the box to show you want the refund paid to a Nominee: A box will open up to allow you ...
SA100 TR 6 Box 12: How do I add my Nominee's address?
In the main EDIT page, click SAVE and then CONTINUE: Next click YES: On the ALMOST THERE page, scroll down until you see the question below and tick YES. Next tick the box to show you want the refund paid to a Nominee: A box will open up to allow you ...
SA100 TR 6 Box 11: How do I show my Nominee is my Tax Adviser?
In the main EDIT page, click SAVE and then CONTINUE: Next click YES: On the ALMOST THERE page, scroll down until you see the question below and tick YES. Next tick the box to show you want the refund paid to a Nominee: A box will open up to allow you ...
SA100 TR 6 Box 10: How do I show I want my refund paid to a Nominee?
In the main EDIT page, click SAVE and then CONTINUE: Next click YES: On the ALMOST THERE page, scroll down until you see the question below and tick YES. Next tick the box to show you want the refund paid to a Nominee: A box will open up to allow you ...
SA100 TR 6 Box 9: How do I show I want my refund paid by cheque?
In the main EDIT page, click SAVE and then CONTINUE: Next click YES: On the ALMOST THERE page, scroll down until you see the question below and tick YES. A new box will open up. You then need to tick NO:
SA100 TR 6 Box 8: How do I enter my Building Society Reference Number?
In the main EDIT page, click SAVE and then CONTINUE: Next click YES: On the ALMOST THERE page, scroll down until you see the question below and tick YES. This will open another question. You then need to tick YES to that question: Boxes will then ...
SA100 TR 6 Box 7: How do I enter my Account Number?
In the main EDIT page, click SAVE and then CONTINUE: Next click YES: On the ALMOST THERE page, scroll down until you see the question below and tick YES. This will open another question. You then need to tick YES to that question: Boxes will then ...
SA100 TR 6 Box 6: How do I enter my branch sort code?
In the main EDIT page, click SAVE and then CONTINUE: Next click YES: On the ALMOST THERE page, scroll down until you see the question below and tick YES. This will open another question. You then need to tick YES to that question: Boxes will then ...
SA100 TR 6 Box 5: How do I enter my account name or nominee?
In the main EDIT page, click SAVE and then CONTINUE: Next click YES: On the ALMOST THERE page, scroll down until you see the question below and tick YES. This will open another question. You then need to tick YES to that question: Boxes will then ...
SA100 TR 6 Box 4: How do I enter my bank/building society name?
In the main EDIT page, click SAVE and then CONTINUE: Next click YES: On the ALMOST THERE page, scroll down until you see the question below and tick YES. This will open another question. You then need to tick YES to that question: A box will then ...
SA100 TR 6 Box 3: How do I show HMRC that I don't want a restriction in my PAYE tax code?
In the main EDIT page, click SAVE and then CONTINUE: Next click YES: On the ALMOST THERE page, scroll down until you see the question below and tick YES:
SA100 TR 6 Box 2: How do I show that I want to pay the tax direct by the 31st January?
In the main EDIT page, click SAVE and then CONTINUE: Next click YES: On the ALMOST THERE page, scroll down until you see the question below and tick YES:
SA100 TR 6 Box 2: How do I show that I want to have the underpayment collected from my tax code?
In the main EDIT page, click SAVE and then CONTINUE: Next click YES: On the ALMOST THERE page, scroll down until you see the question below and tick NO: You have to make this claim before the 30th December.
SA100 TR 6 Box 1: How do I show an In Year Repayment?
In the main EDIT page, click SAVE and then CONTINUE: Next click YES: On the ALMOST THERE page, scroll down until you see the box below and tick YES: Enter the amount of Refund you received:
SA100: How do I add my bank details so HMRC send my refund to my bank account?
You can add your bank account details, for receiving a refund from HMRC, on the 'Almost there' page. Please: 1. Click on 'CONTINUE' 2. Select YES to the question: 'Do you want any Self-Assessment repayment/Credit to be repaid?' Boxes for your bank ...
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SA101 Ai1 Box 15: How do I show the tax year income to be taxed?
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To show close company loans written off or released, please follow the steps belows: click the + NEW PAGE button on the left of the screen: Select 'Investments, Interest & Dividends' (SA100 & SA101) from the list shown: Then click SAVE Next click + ...
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To show Bonus issues of securities and redeemable shares, please follow the steps belows: click the + NEW PAGE button on the left of the screen: Select 'Investments, Interest & Dividends' (SA100 & SA101) from the list shown: Then click SAVE Next ...