Page TR8
SA100 TR 8 Box 26: How do I enter my address?
If you are signing the return on behalf of someone else, in addition to showing your name at Box 25, you also need to enter your address at Box 26. To do this, please follow the steps below: Click SAVE and CONTINUE: Then click YES: On the ALMOST ...
SA100 TR 8 Box 25: How do I enter my name?
If you are signing the return on behalf of someone else, you need to enter your name at box 25. To do this, please follow the steps below: Click SAVE and CONTINUE: Then click YES: On the ALMOST THERE page, scroll down until you see the question shown ...
SA100 TR 8 Box 24: How do I enter the name of the person I've signed for?
To enter the name of the person you are signing for, please follow the steps below: Click SAVE and CONTINUE: Then click YES: On the ALMOST THERE page, scroll down until you see the question shown below, then tick YES: Then enter the name of the ...
SA100 TR 8 Box 23: How do I sign the return on behalf of someone else?
To show you are signing/submitting the return on behalf of someone else, you need to show this on the ALMOST THERE page in the software. To do this, please see the steps below: Click SAVE and CONTINUE: Then click YES: On the ALMOST THERE page, scroll ...
SA100 TR 8 Box 22: How do I sign my tax return?
If you are submitting your tax return online, you do not need to sign it. You would only need to sign it if you are submitting a paper return. If you are submitting a paper return, you can download a copy at the bottom of the Report page. To do this, ...
SA100 TR 8 Box 21: How do you populate box 21 to show you are enclosing separate supplementary pages?
Box 21 gets populated automatically if you add any supplementary pages to your tax return. These pages include the Employment Page (SA102), Self Employment Page (SA103) and Residency Page (SA109), for example.
SA100 TR 8 Box 20: How do show that my return contains provisional figures?
In the main EDIT page, click SAVE and then CONTINUE: Next click YES: On the ALMOST THERE page, scroll down towards the bottom of the page until you see the box below:
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At GoSimpleTax, we’re committed to providing a complete tax solution with the pages that HMRC fail to supply, and a UK support team that are second to none. To continue delivering the high-quality product and support you love and allowing you to file ...
SA101 Ai1 Box 15: How do I show the tax year income to be taxed?
To show the tax year income to be taxed, please follow the steps belows: click the + NEW PAGE button on the left of the screen: Select 'Investments, Interest & Dividends' (SA100 & SA101) from the list shown: Then click SAVE Next click + INCOME Then ...
SA101 Ai1 Box 14: How do I show the amount of post-cessation or other business receipts?
To show the amount of post-cessation or other business receipts, please follow the steps belows: click the + NEW PAGE button on the left of the screen: Select 'Investments, Interest & Dividends' (SA100 & SA101) from the list shown: Then click SAVE ...
SA101 Ai1 Box 13.1: How do I show close company loans written off or released?
To show close company loans written off or released, please follow the steps belows: click the + NEW PAGE button on the left of the screen: Select 'Investments, Interest & Dividends' (SA100 & SA101) from the list shown: Then click SAVE Next click + ...
SA101 Ai1 Box 13: How do I show Bonus issues of securities and redeemable shares?
To show Bonus issues of securities and redeemable shares, please follow the steps belows: click the + NEW PAGE button on the left of the screen: Select 'Investments, Interest & Dividends' (SA100 & SA101) from the list shown: Then click SAVE Next ...