SA103 Self Employed Page
SA103: Entering your car as a capital allowance
1. Ensure you have the 'Car, van & travel expenses' group on your SA103 form 2. Click on ADD 3. Click on 'Car purchase' from CATEGORY dropdown 4. Enter the date you 'purchased the car' or 'introduced it into the business' 5. Type in a description to ...
SA100 : Claiming loss relief against other income in same year
If you make a loss in your self-employment, you can offset the loss against your other income in the same tax year. To do this, ensure your self-employment pages have been completed in full and head over to the REPORTS page and download a copy of ...
SA100 : How do I add self employed losses from a previous tax year to my tax return?
1. When on the self employed page please click EDIT 2. In the new popup please scroll down the page until you see 'losses from previous year'. Enter the total losses available to this box and then save. This will add the losses to your tax return and ...
SA103: Self Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS)
If you have made a claim for the Covid-19 SEISS scheme as a sole trader this income needs to be declared on your 2020/21 tax return. HMRC require these payments to be detailed on your tax return. To help you do this we have add a new income category ...
SA103 : How do I add CIS payments?
Click on + NEW PAGE on the left of the screen. Select Self Employed (SA103) from the list shown. Click on the + INCOME button. Select Construction Subcontractor Income from the list shown. Enter the CIS Deduction figure in the box - Subcontractor Tax ...
SA103 : Manage Mappings
If you are a Platinum user and are using one of our integrations to import data from the likes of Xero and Quickbooks you may want to speed up future imports. As part of the integrations we have already mapped the default headings to similar ...
SA103 : Connecting to Xero
To connect to Xero you must first add a self employed page in GoSimpleTax, if you have not done this during your initial set up you can use the '+ NEW PAGE' button to create the page. Please note that you will be able to try this integration during ...
SA103 : Connecting to Sumup
To connect to Sumup you must first add a self employed page in GoSimpleTax, if you have not done this during your initial set up you can use the '+ NEW PAGE' button to create the page. Please note that you will be able to try this integration during ...
SA103 : Connecting to Xero (Video)
SA103 : Xero Integration
If you are a sole trader using Xero for your bookkeeping records then our integration will allow you to import your Profit & Loss report direct to the self employed pages of your tax return. To save time we have mapped the default Xero headings to ...
SA103 : Sumup Integration getting started video
SA103 : Connect to Freeagent
To connect to Freeagent you must first add a self employed page in GoSimpleTax, if you have not done this during your initial set up you can use the '+ NEW PAGE' button to create the page. Please note that you will be able to try this integration ...
SA103 : Self-Employed: Home as Office
If you are Self-Employed and work from home, you may be entitled to claim part of your home expenses as a deductible expense. HMRC will allow a small charge of £2 per week without query. If a larger amount is claimed then you may be asked to justify ...
SA103 : Self-Employed: GoSimpleTax's expenses list
According to HMRC " If you are self-employed you’ll have various running costs and expenses. You take these costs and expenses away from your business income to work out the profit in your accounts. You can only deduct certain expenses as they aren't ...
How can I record an Asset Disposal?
1. Click '+ NEW PAGE' and then select 'Self-employed (SA103)' from the listed categories 2. Fill in the boxes provided 3. Click 'SAVE' 4. Click '+ GROUP' under the 'Expenses' tab and then tick the relevant groups 5. Click 'SAVE' 6. From the drop-down ...
SA103 : Which Date Should I Use When Recording My Invoices?
Do you prepare your tax return on a Cash or Accrual Basis? Cash basis - income and expense are recorded on the date paid (expense) and received (income). Accrual basis - income and expense are recorded when incurred, regardless of when cash is ...
How do I Add My Payments on Account?
If you're self-employed, please follow the steps below: 1. Click on '+ GROUP' 2. Select 'Payments on Account' from the list of categories and then click 'SAVE' at the bottom 3. Click on '+ ADD' 4. Select 'Payments on Account', fill in the entries and ...
SA103 : My business has ceased trading
Click on the Self Employment Page Click on Edit Select the YES Radio button to show that the business ceased trading Enter the Business End Date Click SAVE You should also notify HMRC. Please see the links below for further guidance: ...
SA103 : Can I add depreciation to the self employed page?
Yes, it is possible to add depreciation to the self employed pages. However, it is important to note that 'depreciation' does not attract any tax relief so will be excluded from the tax calculation. To obtain tax relief on the purchase of any ...
SA103 : How do I show Goods/Services taken for personal use?
Click on on the Self Employed Page Click on ADD GROUP EXPENSE Select Tax Adjustments Click Save Click on ADD EXPENSE Select Goods and Services for own use Enter the amount Click Save
SA103 : Foster Carer or Shared Lives Carer
If you are a Foster Carer or a Shared Lives Carer, you can show this on your Tax Return, Self Employed Page Add the Self Employed Page Click on the EDIT button Select the Foster Carer Radio Button Click SAVE
Trading Income Allowance
Please watch the following video or follow the instructions as shown below: 1. Once you're on the 'Self-employed (SA103)' page, click '+ INCOME' 2. Select 'Trading Income Allowance' from the drop-down list of categories 3. Click 'SAVE' once you're ...
Losses carried back to previous years
Losses carried back to previous years Click on + Group Expenses Select Tax Adjustments Select the category Current Year losses to carry back to previous years